Best Practices for Using a Visualizer in Hybrid Classrooms

2024-10-02T12:56:35+00:00Blog, Educational Technology, Visualizer|

Hybrid classrooms, where in-person and remote learning are combined in one classroom, have become the new norm in education. This approach offers flexibility and accessibility to teaching and instructing but also presents its own unique challenges. A fantastic tool that

Online Schooling and the Role of Educational Technology

2024-10-02T12:56:42+00:00Blog, Educational Technology, Online Schooling|

Online schooling has transformed the way we look at education, by enabling pupils to join classes remotely from any location with internet connectivity. In this article, we take a closer look at: The incredible capabilities of auto-tracking cameras The benefits

Enriching University Collaborations With A Conference Camera

2024-10-02T12:59:51+00:00Blog, Conference Camera, Educational Technology|

Ah, the hallowed halls of academia! Universities are bustling hives of activity and a place where brilliant minds come together to discover, develop and collaborate. Often, these are the very institutions that stand at the forefront of new discoveries and


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